Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Callista Roy The Roy Adaptation Model - 1864 Words
Callista Roy: The Roy Adaptation Model During the 1970’s, Sister Callista Roy was a young graduate student in the midst of developing a new theoretical framework for nursing practice. Her experiences and studies led her to form the Roy Adaptation Model (RAM). Roy’s model identifies people as adaptive systems in a holistic manner. The essential elements of her model include adaptation, the person, the environment, health, and the goal of nursing (Roy, 2009). Modes of adaptation are further broken down into physiological needs and psychological needs. Roy continues to publish works detailing modern applications of her model to nursing practice and education. This essay will provide insight on Callista Roy as a theorist, and on the RAM. Sister Callista Roy received her Bachelor of Arts degree in nursing in 1963 from Mount Saint Mary’s College in Los Angeles, CA. She continued her education by earning her Masters of Science in nursing in 1966 from the University of California (Sitzman Eichelberger, 2011). Roy was passionate about furthering herself through her education. She also worked towardsfÆ’ and obtained her Master of Arts in sociology and Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California. Roy completed her studies in 1977, and since received several honorary graduate and doctoral degrees from other universities. Roy s professor, Dorothy E. Johnson, challenged her to develop a model for nursing. Dorothy E. Johnson inspired Sister Roy to focus on definingShow MoreRelatedThe Adaptation Model By Sister Callista Roy2278 Words  | 10 PagesRoy’s Adaptation Model The Adaptation Model, developed by sister Callista Roy, is a grand nursing theory that has been influential in developing research, education, nursing practice, and mid-range theories; including her own: cognitive processing and empirical work, for over 50 years. The work has been translated into multiple languages, and used by theorists throughout the world as a basis for model-based knowledge to advance nursing practice; as well as advancing the theory itself. Roy is knownRead MoreSister Callista Roy s Adaptation Model1916 Words  | 8 PagesSister Callista Roy developed the Adaptation Model in 1976. Roy’s adaptation model allows me to focus on the individual including society. This model explains that health is a normal part of the person’s life. This model focuses on various aspects of the person. The goal of the nurse is to promote adaptation in Roy’s Adaptation Model of the four modes which include physiologic needs, self-concept, role function, and interdependence. The model focuses on the patient not just the illness. 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